Online and social networking experiences come and go . At one time, Netscape was the only web browser and My Space was the biggest craze going around… One is now gone and one just hasn’t been able to evolve. As we’ve mentioned before, Facebook is reported to be losing a significant number of users daily so […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
As regular readers of GOOP, Mkt. is loving this weeks e-newsletter which introduces us to ‘Room in a Box’ . Created by talented interior designer Windsor Smith, ‘Room in a Box’ is a real, practical service for when people want to re/decorate a room (s). All they need to do is go to the site, […]
Recently Mkt. had the pleasure of hosting a couple of one-on-one blogger meets with our client Keshett. The macaroons and champagne flowed as two of our favourite bloggers were treated to the exclusive Keshett experience of jewels, jewels and more jewels! Phoebe Montague of Lady Melbourne has earned her stripes as one of Australia’s key […]
Facebook wants to be a newspaper. And it wants you to be writing some of its best stories. Mashable has reported that just 24 hours after Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg promised more standalone apps in 2014, the company announced ‘Paper’ on Thursday, a standalone news reader mobile app that has reportedly been in the works for years. The new app […]
The Mkt. jury is still out on whether or not we agree with this video…
If you haven’t noticed, there’s currently a mass exodus from Facebook taking place. In the past three months there’s been a drop among users in the United States and United Kingdom and now it seems that the falling market seems to be those from younger generations. Social media strategists Frank Media provided a look into the top […]
It’s been 10 years since Dove launched its groundbreaking “Campaign for Real Beauty.” It’s won a plethora of ad awards, sold plenty of product, sales have jumped to $4 billion today from $2.5 billion in its inaugural year. But has it changed perceptions? Ad Age today reported that Dove claims it has. “Research from Harvard […]
Social media is a blur of likes, tweets, shares and content that is used by pretty much everyone around the globe. Blogger and social media marketing consultant Jeff Bullas has developed a round-up of 22 social media facts and stats you should know in 2014… Infographic created by Search Engine Journal