Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ch 9 weather goes green with Enviroweek 2012!

Around-the-world sailor and Enviroweek 2012 national campaign ambassador, Jessica Watson, experienced a novel way of getting to school with a row down the Yarra River earlier this week to officially launch Enviroweek for Mkt. client, Cool Australia. Crewed by students of Melbourne Girls College, Jessica commenced her duties as Enviroweek Ambassador and showed that there are […]

Knox Shopping Centre and Tiffiny Hall unite to assist women in the quest for a healthy heart!

Last week Mkt. client, Knox Shopping Centre hosted a hearty breakfast in support of the Heart Foundation’s Go Red For Women initiative. With heart disease claiming almost seven female lives in Victoria every day, Knox Shopping Centre are supporting the Heart Foundation for the entire month of June to help increase awareness of the risk […]

Keep smiling…

BRW’s ‘Top 10 tips on how to become a better place to work’ seem very similar to Mkt.’s….Quarterly personal day, tick. Birthdays off work, tick. Working from home when needed, tick.  Weekly meditation class, tick. The list goes on. We’re looking for an AD and a PA…email us or pass it on if you know […]