Mkt. were lucky enough to attend a Business Chicks breakfast this morning with the fabulous Dr Brene Brown. If you don’t know of Dr Brene Brown below is a link to her profile on TED and to her website…she’s globally renown, speaking to sell-out audiences and one of the most popular TED talks… she boasts […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Brands often freeze up when they’re criticized on Facebook however U.K. maxipad maker Bodyform made the most of it late last year when a a man, named Richard Neill posted a rant on Bodyform’s Facebook wall, humorously calling out the brand for false advertising—saying his girlfriend doesn’t have happy periods like those depicted in the ads, but instead […]
At Mkt. we love to shop, but sometimes the madness of the end of season sales can be too much to handle, which is exactly why London department store Selfridges created a place for shoppers earlier this year to escape the noisy crowds and find some calm. The Silence Room, as it is aptly named, […]
Mkt.’s favourite personal driver, Uber, is offering a free ice cream-on-demand service – for today only – in more than three dozen cities around the world, including Melbourne, Sydney, New York, London, Singapore and Rome. All you need to do is.. – Download the Uber app for iPhone or Android – Request the “Ice Cream” […]
It’s official (again!) – Australia is even more coffee obsessed than ever before with latest reports revealing that we are paying $3billion a year just to get our daily fix…That’s the equivalent to spending the entire GDP of African nation of Eritrea on our brew of choice, be it an espresso in Carlton or a soy […]
From October SHOP Til You Drop magazine will increase its frequency to become a fortnightly publication.The change will make SHOP Australia’s first mass-market magazine to publish fortnightly. The new reformatted SHOP Til You Drop will launch October 24th and is expected to be priced at $5.95. Source: The Australian, July 1st, 2013
Kellogg’s were one of the first to bring the Twitter experience into a real life bricks and mortar situation with their pop up ‘tweet’ shop in Soho, London 2012 and now they have done it again with the launch of what they describe as the world’s first ‘instashop’. At marketing events in Stockholm, Sweden, the […]