Category Archives: Uncategorized

Is this the best response ever to a Facebook rant?

Brands often freeze up when they’re criticized on Facebook however U.K. maxipad maker Bodyform made the most of it late last year when a a man, named Richard Neill posted a rant on Bodyform’s Facebook wall, humorously calling out the brand for false advertising—saying his girlfriend doesn’t have happy periods like those depicted in the ads, but instead […]

Magazine publisher Bauer breaks the mould with fortnightly Shop

From October SHOP Til You Drop magazine will increase its frequency to become a fortnightly publication.The change will make SHOP Australia’s first mass-market magazine to publish fortnightly.  The new reformatted SHOP Til You Drop will launch October 24th and is expected to be priced at $5.95. Source: The Australian, July 1st, 2013