Author Archives: James Bealey

Mkt. is ready for Generation Z…are you?

While the top level of Gen Z are only 13 years old, in five years time these ‘children’ will be working, earning and consuming. This highly important group born after 1995 is beginning to have an impact on the consumer environment. Marketers are already adopting different strategies when targeting different generational groups. According to Marketing […]

Mkt. is reading “The Happiness Project”…

Mkt. is reading “The Happiness Project”… The Happiness Project (by Grechen Rubin) is a story written about a year long search for happiness…the author takes you on her journey of discovery and how she manifested more ‘happiness’ in her world… We’ve heard it all before…its about the ‘small’ things, its about taking time out, about […]

“Maturialism” – Time to loosen up a little bit

Mkt. loves our monthly updates from This month… “Maturialism”. “Maturialism”, which is derived from “mature materialism”, can be defined as those consumers who are increasingly appreciating brands that push the boundaries. No longer tolerating being treated as inexperienced audience members, “Maturialism consumers” appreciate daring innovations and quirky flavours. “Maturialism”, a part of a much […]

iPads in Restaurants. Pearl’s #1

As seen on our friend @codenameamax’s website and The Sunday Herald Sun: May iPad your order? iPads have arrived at Pearl Restaurant.   has started…. who will be next? and what do we think about it? Tweeted by @thefrankreport : Melbourne’s Pearl #Restaurant featuring in today’s HeraldSun re the intro of ipad ordering Image: iPad menus at […]

Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing – A growing phenomena or is it? There were 23.6 million mobile users in Australia ?at the end of 2008, representing 110% penetration level’* Nearly every Australian has a mobile phone – in 2008 there was 23.6 million mobile phone users, 46% of which had internet enabled phones*. Sounds like a marketing opportunity! […]