Screen Shot 2013-09-04 at 12.43.04 PMThis month’s Trendwatching report puts the spotlight on ‘Demanding Brands’. When people think about what a demanding brand might entail, we start thinking of brands that don’t really care about their end consumer and other negative sentiments. To the contrary ‘Demanding Brands’, is the new label for responsible brands that are instigating daring changes in their relationships with customers.

‘Demanding Brands’ are switched-on entities that are embarking on a journey towards a more sustainable and socially responsible future, and on the journey demanding that consumers also contribute. Even if that means some pain – financial or otherwise – for their customers.

A ‘Demanding Brand’ will push consumers towards taking action, making meaningful demands on their time, energy and wallet for no reward other than a display of social responsibility (ie no discount, no added extra or prize offer). Whilst at first consumers will feel pain, ultimately they will have deep respect for a true ‘Demanding Brand’ for pushing them towards taking action they know is right.

From Pain to Respect – What makes a meaningful DEMAND:

  • The planet: DEMAND action that is good for the environment
  • Society: DEMAND action that is good for other people
  • Lifestyles: Create products or services that DEMAND customers live healthy, or behave well
  • Nonprofits: Make DEMANDS on behalf of an established nonprofit, and insist that customers do something to support them


There are a few precautions that brands should consider before considering becoming a demanding brand.

  1. Alienation: Becoming a ‘Demanding Brand’ will alienate some consumers (but keep in mind that no one brand can satisfy everyone)
  2. Choose a cause and stick to it: Half-hearted, one-off or attention seeking attempts at making meaningful demands will do more harm than good
  3. Transparency: Your demanding needs to be 100% transparent, real, meaningful and positive, if that is to much, best to stick to being a servile brand

To read more about ‘Demanding Brands’ click here