Forget FOMO, Apparently 2014 is the year of joyfully missing out, or JOMO…Mkt. came across this trend in a recent issue of Sunday Style when ex UK magazine editor gave us the run-down into her recent realisation that JOMO is actually what’s make’s her happy. You can read all about her ‘a ha’ moment here but Mkt. have put together some interesting facts from the original article featured at The Huffington Post on everything you need to know about this trend that we too are embracing for 2014!
- A backlash against FOMO – aka Fear Of Missing Out – the term JOMO is a rebellion against saying yes to everything, and is about giving yourself the space to think and experience things without freaking out about what you ‘should’ be doing instead…
- Trend forecaster JWT – one of the world’s biggest marketing communications brands – has listed ‘Mindful Living’, in its top 10 predictions for 2014…
- Citing Camp Grounded – a digital detox retreat in California – and Google’s ‘silent mindful lunches’, online meditation app Headspace and the Slow Food movement, director of trend-forecasting Ann Mack says: “You’re enjoying what you’re doing in the here and now and not on social media broadcasting or seeing what everybody else is doing.”
- Social media is seen to be taking over peoples lives – especially now that it’s morphing into a subliminal marketing tool. As a result, it’s a genuine joy to ‘miss out’ because you’re getting your life back and not losing anything at all.
- Could the age of burnout be over? To help convince you, take a look at what’s going on in Britain. Westminster MPs are taking mindfulness classes, while the Bank of England is holding meditation lessons for its employees…Mkt. also holds weekly all-team yoga and meditation session – A great way to rejuvenate mid-week!
Source: The Huffington Post