In an effort to provide abused children with a safe way to reach out for help, a progressive outdoor advertising platform has been created by Spanish organisation Aid to Children and Adolescents at Risk Foundation (ANAR) that displays different messages to adults and children simultaneously.
The execution of this innovative advertisement uses technology known as lenticular printing – a filter that allows different graphics to be reviewed dependent on the height, angle and direction it’s approached from. Using this tool, ANARs campaign has the power to communicate with children and adults in bespoke messages – quite literally for the eye of the beholder!
When adults – or anyone taller than 134 centimetres – look at it they only see an image of a sad-looking child with the message “sometimes, child abuse is only visible to the child suffering it.” However when viewed by a child below the average height of a 10 year old, the same image appears but the boy has bruises on his face and a cut lip with the message stating “if somebody hurts you, phone us and we’ll help you” alongside the foundation’s phone number.
The clever ANAR anti-abuse campaign aims to empower abused children to seek out help, even if their abuser is right with them. While this is a great and worthwhile use of lenticular images, it raises the question – how long will it be before toy companies start using the same technology to promote their products directly to children?