Screen Shot 2013-08-27 at 2.37.50 PMInstagram launched in October of 2010. Two months later, its community was already 1 Million strong and what’s even more surprising is that more than half of this Instagram community is located outside of the United States.

SMK, today, rounded up an Instagram number crunch to give us a new picture of one of the Mkt. team’s favourite photo-sharing platforms..



Key updates include:

  • 130 Million Monthly Active Users
  • 16 Billion Photos Shared in total
  • 1 Billion Likes and 45 Million Photos shared every day
  • The top three brands on Instagram are Nike, Starbucks and The NBA. In fact their reach is so massive that on average 1.5 million posts mention each of these brands on Instagram.
  • The top 50 brands have around 722,000 followers, and 62 per cent of brands have posted videos via Instagram.
  • The most branded account is Ellen DeGeneres’ @TheEllenShow, which boasts 2.5 million followers and adds another 200,000 every month!

To read the entire article, click here